We've got all the answers.
Answers to some of the most common questions.FAQs
Q. Can I use my own domain name?Yes, we just need to make a simple modification to your domain DNS record. One of our geeks will walk you through the process. Alternatively, we can update the record for you.
Q. How long does the process take?
Your preview website will be ready within 7 days. Your site will go live as soon as you are happy with it and your invoice has been paid.
Q. How much does it cost to run the website after year 1?
After year 1, the website costs just £99 a year to run and host.
Q. How long will it take for my website to appear on Google?
It usually takes 14 days after launch for your website to be visible on Google. Please note, this is for a brand search only (e.g. Your Business Name).
If you require any additional search engine marketing, please email studio@byqbit.com.
Q. How do I update my website?
Website updates are all part of the service. Simply email your updates (pictures and reviews) to studio@byqbit.com.
Please note, additional pages are not considered as updates. If additional pages or functionality is required, we will provide you with a quote for any additional cost and let you know how long it will take to make the changes before we start any work.